Architectural Windows

Are you looking for a stylish new addition to your home?

Whether you are looking for aluminium or steel, our windows are the perfect way to improve the look of your home. Our range of styles and finishes will make sure that you find the perfect window for your property.

With our high quality materials and construction, you can be sure that your new windows will last for years. And with our easy installation process, you’ll be able to get started right away.


Aluminium Windows

Aluminium is the ideal material for window frames. Its light-weight and high malleability ensures that there will be a style and configuration that suits your needs. Despite being light, aluminium frames are also incredibly durable and built to last. With 30 years of proven expertise, our Fairview range guarantees that your aluminium windows will be a long-term standout feature in your home. 


Steel Windows

If you dream of sun-drenched rooms and walls of windows that seem to bring the outdoors into your home, look no further than our steel windows. Whether you are installing windows to naturally light a room, for warmth, or just to enjoy the view, stronger window frames can support the largest window panes. Luckily for you, steel is one of the strongest materials for window framing.